The GrowHaus is Powered by the Support of our También Community
2022 También Day of Action
También, which means "also" or "too" in Spanish, started with the idea that people across Denver could come together to support healthy food access and our neighbors in Globeville and Elyria-Swansea.
Reliable and consistent support through También is essential to ensure our programming can thrive and continue serving our community.
The power of También is that by pitching in what you can every month -- whether that’s $10 or $100 -- you help make profound collective impact possible.
“I am a También member because The GrowHaus is filling an urgent need - not just through food and employment opportunities, but through creating a sense of belonging, community voice, and political advocacy in North Denver.”
To contact a staff member about joining Tambien or updating your existing membership, please email tambien@thegrowhaus.org.