In 2017, we introduced you to Michelle Rodriguez, as she joined our Seed2Seed teen leadership program. Before starting the program, Michelle shared,  “I want to be part of Seed2Seed to learn how to plant, cook healthy, socialize, and how to be a leader and make friends and connections”. Seven years later, Michelle’s leadership is shining bright at The GrowHaus, as she now works to support our food access department and is returning to help lead this year’s Seed2Seed program while she works to complete her Bachelor’s Degree.

The 2024 Seed2Seed cohort began this week, and Michelle sat down with our team to share how she feels about seeing the incoming class and being part of their leadership journey.

Michelle’s Reflections on Leading the 2024 Seed2Seed Cohort

Leading Seed2Seed this year, having begun as a participant, feels rewarding, and reflecting on my growth fills me with pride.

I understand the program's impact, and I will bring my empathy to foster connections with the new cohort of teens. I am excited to give back to the community that shaped me and to use my organization and mentorship skills to inspire and support teens, like previous mentors did for me.

I know it will be rewarding to see participants succeed, knowing I was part of their journey.

Transitioning from participant to leader has been transformative, and I'm honored to help foster The GrowHaus’ next generation of leaders.

The 2024 Seed2Seed program is already underway! Join También now to ensure our 2024 Seed2Seed students have access to peer-to-peer mentorship from individuals like Michelle to help compassionately guide them through this stage of life. This year, all También gifts support Seed2Seed, like paying Program Facilitators, who were previous participants.

Michelle and The GrowHaus need your help to continue growing future leaders!